Diet for acute and chronic pancreatitis: what, what you can eat and what not

diet for pancreatitis

Today, many suffer from pancreatitis, not knowing how important diet is for pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is caused by malnutrition and poisoning.

Gentle diet for pancreatitis

Rest your pancreas for the first few days after an outbreak of pancreatitis. On the third day, unsweetened tea and pureed mucous decoctions are allowed. From the 5th day add carrot puree, mashed potatoes. River fish is chopped, made from souffle, pate, cutlets. Milk and cottage cheese pudding are allowed.

For pancreatitis the first courses are important, you can cook noodle soup. You can add sour cream with a little fat. Steamed beef and chicken are allowed. It is better to choose river fish. Fresh cheese should be eaten non-acidic, low in fat. Dutch and hard cheeses are allowed. Pasta, homemade noodles are added to soups.

Diet for weight loss in pancreatitis

Diet in pancreatitis is the most important therapeutic factor, much more important than all medications. They play a secondary role. No wonder pancreatitis causes overeating and poisoning.

Remove alcohol, spices, smoked meat. Buy a double boiler. Fat removal will promote weight loss. It is better to chop veal, turkey in minced meat and make pans.

Diet 5 for pancreatitis

diet number five

It has the following basic principles: do not take hot and cold food, it must be rubbed. It is useful to drink pomegranate.

Dietary table for pancreatitis is a mandatory part of treatment. Diet 5 is a healthy diet that is beneficial even for healthy people.

Canned food and fatty soups are forbidden. All dishes are rubbed in a blender.

Healthy products: cooked chicken fillet, vegetable soups, yesterday's bread, milk soups, buckwheat.

  • How much to diet pancreatitis? Diet for pancreatitis, if acute, is prescribed for a period of 6-9 months. With chronic pancreatitis - several years.
  • What should not be included in the diet for pancreatitis? Beef fat, cabbage, radish, spinach, rutabagas, alcohol, black bread.

Examples of 5 diet recipes for pancreatitis

Steam chops

200 g beef, 30 g wheat bread, 3 tbsp. milk, 3 teaspoons olive oil, a pinch of salt.

Mix the ingredients. Divide the minced meat into balls. Put in a double boiler, pour water, cover and cook until softened over medium heat.

Milk Pasta Soup

150g flour, 2 eggs, 10g butter, 10g sugar, 350 ml milk.

Replace dough with flour, water and eggs. Roll out and finely chop the noodles. Pour the noodles into the milk and cook for 8-12 minutes.

5p diet for pancreatitis

Used to stimulate digestion, limit carbohydrates and fats. Caloric content - 2700-2800 Kcal.

What foods are allowed on the 5p diet?

  • Yesterday's wheat bread, biscuit biscuits.
  • Soups with vegetable soup, fruit soups.
  • Meat dishes: lean chicken and veal.
  • Mushrooms, beans, spinach are prohibited. Zucchini and pumpkin are allowed.
  • Legumes are excluded.
  • No more than 1 egg per day is allowed.
  • Non-acidic fruit, preferably pureed, berry fruit.
  • Fresh cottage cheese allowed.
  • Berry juices and sour cream sauces are allowed.
  • Fats: sunflower and olive oil. Limit butter.

Forbidden: Pastries, mushrooms, smoked meat, fatty meat, legumes.

Diet 5a for pancreatitis

Prescribed when the patient also has biliary tract lesions. This is a diet with limited fat and cholesterol intake with enough calories.

Approved Products

Cooked low-fat beef and chicken, steamed fish, protein omelette, skim milk, vegetable oil, a small amount of butter, buckwheat, rice, semolina and buckwheat souffle. Boiled zucchini in pieces are useful. Vegetable soups with sour cream. Raw and baked fruits, berries. Marshmallow allowed.

Diet 1 for pancreatitis

Prescribed when acute or chronic pancreatitis is combined with gastric diseases.

Approved Products

permitted products
  • Eggs: A protein steamed omelet.
  • Soups of milk and cereals (except pearl barley).
  • Meat and fish: chicken, lean beef, lean fish.
  • Low fat milk porridge.
  • Vegetables: carrot puree, beet puree, potato puree.
  • Berries: raw, non-astringent, sweet, jam. Infusion of rose hips, compotes, jellies.

Recipes for pancreatitis

Remember that after an attack of acute pancreatitis you should follow a diet for 8-9 months.

So, here are recipes for delicious and healthy dishes against pancreatitis. They are easy to prepare.

Steamed pudding

You need:

  • 240 g beef
  • 40 g butter
  • 20 g semolina
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1 egg
  1. Cook the meat.
  2. Pass the boiled beef through a meat grinder.
  3. Combine with semolina and eggs.
  4. Knead the dough, place it in a greased pan and cook until cooked through.


You need:

  • egg white
  • 30 g sugar
  • 100 g strawberries
  • 20 g flour
  • 120 g of water
  • Vanilla (pinch)

Beat the protein and add the vanilla and sugar. Spread with a spoon into a mold with boiling water. The snowballs are rotated, covered with a lid and left to stand for 4 minutes. Remove and allow water to drain. Snowballs are topped with strawberry sauce, flour and 10 g of sugar.

Banana and peach cake without baking

You need to take 1 banana and 1 peach, 250 ml of yogurt, biscuits, a glass of water and a pack of gelatin. Dissolve the gelatin in hot water. Add yogurt, stir. Place the foil on the bottom of the mold. Arrange in layers: a layer of cookies, a layer of yogurt and gelatin, a layer of bananas, a layer of cream, a layer of peaches, a layer of cream. Put the cake in the fridge - let it freeze.

Diet for a week with pancreatitis

It can be not only useful, but also very tasty. Yesterday's white bread and biscuits "Maria" and "Zoological" are allowed. Steam omelet, low-fat milk, kefir, sour cream - these products can be consumed. You can eat sweet fruits, dried fruits and raisins.

What should be avoided from the diet to avoid recurrence of pancreatitis attacks? Strong soups, fried, smoked, pastries and chocolate.

So, the weekly menu for pancreatitis is something like this.

diet for a week with pancreatitis


  • Breakfast: cheese biscuits.
  • Second breakfast: steamed omelette, bread and tea.
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge, boiled zucchini, cottage cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: grated apple.
  • Dinner: oatmeal, beetroot salad, baked apple.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: carrot and green pea salad.
  • Lunch: beef with bread.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, carrot puree, apple sauce, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: yogurt, apple.
  • Second breakfast: baked apple, raisins.
  • Lunch: fish, buckwheat, bread.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, bread, dried apricots.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: cooked meat, vegetable puree, kefir.
  • Lunch: steamed omelette, pomegranate soup, bread.
  • Dinner: rice and cottage cheese pudding, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: still mineral water, crackers.
  • Second breakfast: steamed cutlets, beetroot salad.
  • Lunch: stew, carrot and pumpkin puree.
  • Dinner: boiled rice, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: steamed omelet.
  • Second breakfast: boiled meat, weak tea.
  • Lunch: steamed rice, baked apples, pomegranate soup.
  • Dinner: rice pudding, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: lentil soup (in a period of stable remission).
  • Lunch: steamed chicken, apple puree.
  • Dinner: boiled beets, boiled potatoes, steamed meat, tea.

Diet for pancreatitis by days

You should eat 4 times a day. Beetroot, pork and goose, kidneys, sausages, salmon, sturgeon, bacon, mayonnaise, cream, millet and barley garnishes, cabbage, radishes, rutabaga, onions, sauces, vinegar, lemon fruit should be completely excluded from the diet.


  • Breakfast: protein omelette, rice porridge, tea.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese, kefir.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, steamed cutlets, carrot puree, apple compote.
  • Dinner: fish knuckles, mashed potatoes and tea.


  • Breakfast: protein omelette, milk buckwheat porridge, tea.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese, kefir.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled chicken, jelly.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, boiled potatoes, weak tea.


  • Breakfast: crackers, still mineral water.
  • Second breakfast: steamed omelet, slice of white bread, glass of milk.
  • Lunch: 200g boiled fish, a slice of white bread.
  • Dinner: 200g oatmeal, 200g carrot puree, a slice of white bread, tea with milk.


  • Breakfast: 200 g oatmeal, a slice of white bread, non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Second breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese pudding, 100 g apple sauce, tea.
  • Lunch: 400 ml vegetable soup, 200 g pumpkin puree, 200 g cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 100 g meat loaf, 100 g fresh cheese casserole, 200 ml jelly.


  • Breakfast: 200 g of mashed rice porridge, a slice of white bread.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g rice pudding, 200 g carrot puree, 200 ml milk tea.
  • Lunch: 400 ml of vegetable soup, 100 g of fresh cheese casserole.
  • Dinner: 200 g chicken, 200 g oatmeal, a cup of tea.

Diet menu for pancreatitis

Diet for pancreatitis is the main remedy. You cannot get rid of pancreatitis without following a diet. We will tell you what foods you should give up, and what you can eat and how to make sure that your diet does not turn into torture for you, but replaces the forbidden sweets.

For the first 4 days the patient observes a therapeutic fast, drinking only water. Starting from the 5th day, you can drink tea with crackers, eat a steamed omelet. You can eat vegetable soups a week after the attack. You cannot eat black bread, puff pastry, cakes, pastries, ice cream, kidneys, smoked sausages and canned food.

You can eat lean, cooked fish. Eggs are best eaten as steamed proteins.

Milk is used in meals. Cooked pasta is allowed. Millet porridge should not be used for pancreatitis.

vegetables with pancreatitis

Allowed vegetables include carrots, potatoes, cauliflower.

Oatmeal and rice soups are preferred. Okroshka, fish soups, meat soups are excluded.

Of the sweet drinks, compotes and mousses, baked apples, fruit purees, fruit and berry juices are allowed.

Eliminate all spices and herbs from your diet.

Rosehip decoction is very useful. You can drink weak tea and chicory drinks. Remove cocoa and coffee.

You must not absolutely consume alcoholic beverages, spicy spices, chips and french fries, hot dogs, chebureks, shawarma.

Dietary chart for various types of pancreatitis

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

The diet table excludes products of sokogonny action and reduces carbohydrates. Food is cooked and eaten mashed.

Only yesterday's white bread is allowed, baking is prohibited. Allowed low-fat beef, rabbit meat, steamed, lean fish. Eggs - only in the form of a steamed protein omelet. Non-acidic curd is allowed. Creamy, sunflower oil should be added to dishes. Semolina and rice porridge is cooked in milk and water. Eat more carrots, zucchini, potatoes, green peas and young beans. Of the fruits, only baked apples are healthy. Drink a decoction of dried fruit. Take a thermos with rosehip broth to work. Prepare milk sauces - they are delicious. Unsweetened sauces, spices, condiments are prohibited.

You cannot eat lamb, duck, smoked meat, sausages, sturgeon, carp, pickles, mushrooms, coffee, chocolate, sorrel, lettuce, beets, legumes (except spring beans and lentils), cranberries, pomegranate and soda water.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

Severe and prolonged inflammation of the pancreas can sometimes lead to diabetes. Take care of yourself, don’t make mistakes in your diet. When you are in the hospital for the first few days after the attack, you will not be given food at all. This is necessary in order to spare the gland as much as possible.

Why do people get acute pancreatitis? The thing is that in our national tradition for the holidays are arranged abundant feasts with alcohol, a large number of fried dishes, picnics with grilled lamb. We often eat on the go at McDonald’s. All this overloads the pancreas and one day there is an attack with severe pain. Ulcer contributes to disease.

On the sixth day, the diet is expanded by adding jelly, liquid cereals and steamed chicken chops.

Smoked meats, marinades, bacon, pastries are excluded for up to a year.

Diet with worsening pancreatitis

The diet table saves the pancreas as much as possible. On the first day, heated Borjomi mineral water, rosehip soup and tea are allowed.

On the third day, it is allowed to expand the diet: add slimy soups, milk jellies, liquid cereals without oil.

When the pain goes away, follow an unprocessed, detailed diet. But still, for a very long time, up to a year, you can't eat anything fried, greasy, without baking and pastries.

Diet for pancreatitis in children

The diet table should not interfere with their proper growth and development. Feed your baby often, in small meals.

Pay attention to lean meat: veal, chicken, turkey.

If pancreatitis flares up, steam the baby protein omelet, and if in remission, cook the whole egg omelette.

A child with pancreatitis needs natural low-fat cottage cheese. It contains calcium, which is necessary for bone growth. Children really like delicious homemade casserole made of fresh cheese with carrots, apricots, apples. Apples can also be baked - in this case they also help with anemia.

Buy butter in packages of 100 g and use only in meals. Children with pancreatitis do not tolerate butter spread on bread.

Ideal soup for a child with a diseased pancreas - mixed vegetables, crushed in a blender. In winter, you can use sets of frozen vegetables.

Remove pork and duck from your baby's menu. Do not give sausages, pickles and mushrooms, fried fish, cocoa, chocolate, beets, radishes, legumes and Ukrainian bread.

Healthy vegetables: carrots, zucchini, potatoes, beets. They should be served pureed and cooked. Add cauliflower to soups, not cabbage.

Occasionally you can give your child marshmallows and milk candies, but very little.

Diet for pancreatitis in adults

Alcohol, taking hormonal drugs, stress, parasites, concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - all these are factors in the development of pancreatitis in adults. Reactive pancreatitis occurs in the background of gastric and liver diseases.

It is better for the patient to cook food in a double boiler.

What you can use:

diet for pancreatitis in adults
  1. Vegetable soups.
  2. Idejka, veal, chicken.
  3. Sour milk, unthinking cottage cheese, Dutch cheese.
  4. Butter in ready meals.
  5. Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.
  6. Noodles.
  7. Cooked vegetables: pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, beets.
  8. Baked sweet apples.
  9. Compotes, jellies, juices, dried fruits.

Avoid alcohol, fried foods, radishes, spinach and pickles.

Allowed 1 banana per day and 1 egg per day, cooked in a bag.

Reactive diet for pancreatitis

The diet table should take into account those concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which the pancreas is inflamed. The most common causes of reactive pancreatitis are diseases of the liver and gallbladder, stones in it, gastritis and hepatitis. Alcohol and fatty foods also cause seizures and must be ruled out forever. Heavy metal poisoning often occurs in dangerous industries, after which workers have reactive pancreatitis. The use of contraceptives can cause pancreatitis in women. Genetic predisposition plays a role.

A diet with pancreatitis creates a complete physiological rest for the pancreas. Meals should be broken down and frequent (4-5 times a day). Reduce carbohydrates to a minimum, give preference to proteins. Lean beef, veal, chicken and cooked fish are allowed. Remove meat and mushroom soup, pickled vegetables and fruits. Roasted and cooked meat and fish, vegetables and cereals are the basis of the diet of patients with pancreatitis.

Dietary table for pancreatitis and related diseases

Diet against cholecystitis and pancreatitis

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Cholecystitis sometimes causes inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. The cause of pancreatitis is alcoholism, stress. In pancreatitis, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur.

Proteins should predominate in patients ’diets. Exclude spicy, smoked, fried, salty foods. The food is cooked.

Drinks for cholecystitis and pancreatitis: non-acidic juices, rosehip decoction.

White bread allowed yesterday. From dairy products - homemade cottage cheese. Vegetable soups, protein omelet, jam and honey are allowed.

What to turn off? Diet for pancreatitis excludes fresh bakery products, fatty fish - trout, catfish, pink salmon, fatty meat, marinades, smoked meat, sour berries, alcohol, cocoa, chocolate, cream, soda, millet, corn, pearl barley, legumes, cabbagegrapes, etc. figs.

Diet for pancreatitis and gastritis

Pancreatitis and gastritis are very insidious, now even in children. We used to cuddle them, buy sweets - and this is the result.

The best meat is chicken and rabbit. Potato rolls and puree are prepared from them.

For those who can't imagine their table without fish, carp, bream and pike, cutlets and pate are suitable.

Very healthy vegetable dishes, carrots, mashed potatoes, lentils. Popular are mashed vegetables, stews (without sauce, with refined oil), mashed potatoes, puddings.

Cottage cheese dishes, especially low-fat fresh cheese pans, may also contain a diet for pancreatitis and gastritis.

Black bread, chocolate and cakes are forbidden.

Diet for diabetes and pancreatitis

By choosing the right diet, the pharmacological treatment of diabetes and pancreatitis can be minimized.

The duration of fasting in acute pancreatitis is 1-4 days. 3-4. Dana is prescribed a medical diet in small portions. For example, rice porridge with milk half with water and protein omelet. Then the porridge can be cooked in whole milk with good tolerance, and low-fat cottage cheese without sugar can be included in the diet. 8-9. On the day add the meat in the form of steamed soufflés, on the 10th day - in the form of dumplings. We exclude meat, mushroom decoctions, lamb and lard, sour dishes, legumes, radishes, garlic and chocolate from the diet. Sugar, jam, sweets, sweet fruits, honey, grape juice are forbidden for patients with diabetes mellitus!

Dried white bread, vegetable and cereal soups (especially buckwheat) with sour cream are recommended.

Steam cutlets, souffles, dumplings are prepared from veal and chicken.

Cod, pike and other lean fish are cooked in a double boiler.

Allowed non-fat non-sour fresh cheese and non-spicy cheese, semolina and oatmeal, carrot and pumpkin puree, non-acidic raw apple puree, sugar-free milk tea. Use butter in ready meals, not in a sandwich.

diet for diabetes and pancreatitis

If you have diabetes, enrich your diet with vegetable soups, 200 g of lean meat or cooked fish, pasta (up to 150 g per day).

Diet for pancreatitis and diabetes allows you to consume up to 250 g of potatoes and carrots a day. Eggs must not have more than 1 pc. in dishes. It is useful to drink 1 cup of kefir a day. Eat cheese and sour cream infrequently. Natural low-fat cottage cheese is useful, as well as dishes made from it (pans, cheesecakes).

Rosehip tea and sugar-free green tea are useful.

Diet against ulcers and pancreatitis

The diet table must be fractional, you must avoid juicy foods: coffee, chocolate, mushrooms, alcohol, fish soups, canned food, pickles. Lean meat, fish and non-sour cottage cheese are allowed. You can’t smoke meat and fish, fry, just steam, stew and bake in the oven. Slimy soups and mashed vegetables are useful, and all foods should be too small.

Diet plays a leading role in the treatment of ulcers and pancreatitis. The first few days after an attack of ulcers and pancreatitis, quickly. On the third day you can eat mashed potatoes, drink jelly. Mineral water without gas and steamed meat, fresh cheese dishes are allowed. After the pain subsides, the patient eats dishes made from oatmeal or rice puree. Rice porridge can be cooked in milk diluted with water. A protein omelet is also suitable. On the seventh day, vegetable soups, carrot puree, low-fat meat can be introduced into the diet. From the fruit you can eat baked apples, plums, pears. Fish is consumed up to 200 g per day, with only a little fat.

Diet for gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis

Gastritis, gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis predominate many in the student years. How to eat properly so as not to cause new deterioration?

What kind of bread can you eat? Just white, yesterday, a little dried.

Vegetable and cereal soups are allowed, incl. milk products.

Lean beef and chicken work well for meat. Cook meat pate and soufflés, steamed chops, meatballs, dumplings.

Perch, cod and pike are great for making delicious fish souffles and pâtés.

Suitable side dishes: mashed potatoes, beets, buckwheat.

Prepare stews and delicious vegetable pans.

It is better not to offer eggs to the patient in the acute period, you can offer proteins, without yolks, only in the form of a steam omelet.

Eliminate black bread and raw vegetables and fruits, sturgeon, pink salmon, pork and duck from the menu.

Diet for pancreatitis and hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It is often associated with pancreatitis. In hepatitis, only part of the liver cells perform their functions, and part does not work and is replaced by connective tissue. This phenomenon is called fibrosis. Each liver cell performs a wide range of functions for detoxification, synthesis and production of bile, participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.

Chronic hepatitis is often caused not only by viral liver damage, but also by parasites, aggressive drugs and tuberculosis, hypothyroidism, obesity, lead poisoning and chloroform.

The scheme of cleansing the body and diet from pancreatitis and hepatitis looks like this:

  1. Don't eat greasy, fried, spicy foods. Beets and radishes are poorly tolerated. Focus on which disease is now at the forefront of laboratory indicators.
  2. Take replacement enzymes when indicated.
  3. Treat dysbiosis if you have it.
  4. Check for helminths.
  5. Give vitamin therapy.
  6. Monitor your blood iron levels.

Fruit jellies and marshmallows are very useful carbohydrates. Eat foods with magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt. You can use non-acidic juices.

What is forbidden? Primarily fatty meat, fatty fish, fish soups, mushroom soups, fish oil, heart, cocoa, canned food, onions, mustard, strong vinegar, alcohol and ice cream.

Cheese, buckwheat, lean fish (pike, cod) are useful.

Diet for pancreatitis is the main method of treatment that cannot be replaced by pharmacological agents, because only adhering to the diet helps to relieve the pancreas.